ABP Limited
Advancing Business Professionals Limited (ABPL) is incorporated under the Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994 in Bangladesh and the Company registration number is C-138993/2017. ABPL is one of the leading and fastest-growing IT Consulting, Professional Recruiting, Business Consulting and Placement service provider in Bangladesh. ABPL is led by a team of professionals which has sixty years of comprehensive experience in different sectors locally and abroad.
ABPL specialises in affordable and effective consultancy and training in management, communication, administration, individual efficiency and effectiveness, which are delivered by a team of industry experts. Our services are professional, motivating and tailored to the individual and business need.
We are honored to be with BASIS
Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) is the national trade body for Software & IT Enabled Service industry of Bangladesh. Established in 1997, the association has been working with a vision of developing vibrant software & IT service industry in the country. Advancing Business Professionals Limited (ABPL) is a General Member of BASIS.

Deliver service with professionalism
Provide high quality service with added value. Enhance work environment through accountability, creativity and ethical rigour